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Teachify Admin API Mutations

Important: The Teachify Admin API is currently under development and not yet available for public use. This documentation is provided for preview purposes only. Mutation operations will be fully documented when the API is released.

Available Mutations

The Teachify Admin API will provide the following mutation operations. Detailed documentation, including input parameters, return types, and examples, will be provided when the API is released.

Course Management

  • createCourse: Creates a new course in the school
  • updateCourse: Updates an existing course
  • deleteCourse: Deletes a course (if no active enrollments exist)

Enrollment Management

  • enrollStudent: Enrolls a student in a course
  • unenrollStudent: Removes a student from a course
  • bulkEnrollStudents: Enrolls multiple students in a course

Assignment Management

  • createAssignment: Creates a new assignment in a course
  • updateAssignment: Updates an existing assignment
  • deleteAssignment: Deletes an assignment
  • gradeSubmission: Grades a student’s assignment submission

Event Management

  • createEvent: Creates a new calendar event
  • updateEvent: Updates an existing calendar event
  • deleteEvent: Deletes a calendar event

Error Handling

All mutations will return an errors field that contains any validation or processing errors that occurred during the operation. Each error will include:

  • field: The input field that caused the error (if applicable)
  • message: A human-readable error message

For more information about the Teachify Admin API, please refer to the API Overview.