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Teachify Admin API Queries

Note: The Teachify Admin API is currently under development and not yet available for public use. This documentation is provided for preview purposes only.


The Teachify Admin API provides several query operations for retrieving data from your school. This page provides a high-level overview of available queries.

Core Concepts

Before diving into specific queries, familiarize yourself with these core concepts:

  • Pagination - How to paginate through large result sets
  • Filtering - How to filter query results

Resource-Specific Documentation

For detailed information about specific resources, see:

Available Queries

The API provides the following main query operations:

schoolReturns information about the authenticated schoolExample
coursesReturns a paginated list of coursesDetails
courseReturns a single course by IDDetails
studentsReturns a paginated list of studentsDetails
studentReturns a single student by IDDetails
eventsReturns a paginated list of calendar eventsDetails
eventReturns a single event by IDDetails
assignmentsReturns a paginated list of assignmentsDetails
assignmentReturns a single assignment by IDDetails


The school query returns information about the authenticated school.


query {
school {

For detailed information about specific query operations, including parameters, return types, filtering options, and examples, please refer to the resource-specific documentation linked above.